2021 Mount Hood Camp Session 2-Day 9 Last Day!


August 6, 2021

Session 2
Day 9- Last Day!
Slalom Camp

Today was the last day on Mount Hood! We woke up to heavy wind and rain in Government Camp. The group got ready and loaded the vans despite the weather and we headed up to the mountain. We arrived above the clouds and the rain! The snow was great and the group ended up with a very good last day on snow! Big rainbows and incredible southern views all morning! The group was feeling the effects of a long camp, but pushed hard to have a productive and fun last day on snow! We headed down to Government camp to start packing and preparing for the early morning departure day. Once packed, the group spent some quiet time in the Cascade Lodge playing games and enjoying the easy afternoon. Tomorrow is travel day!

Thanks to Timberline Lodge (Mount Hood Ski Area) and the Cascade Ski Club for all their help and support of U.S. Elite Camps!

A huge thanks to the camp sponsors and all they do for the U.S. Elite Camps athletes! Head Skis, Toko Wax, Smith Optics, and Darn Tough Socks!!

A special thanks to the amazing session coaches and staff that give the athletes everything they have to help them learn and improve and have fun! Thanks to John ‘Bors’ Borwick, Brett Marquis, Julia Ford, and Krissy Pozatek.

It’s been an amazing session and can’t wait to see all of you this fall at the Copper Camp!!

See you all soon!


Check out the photos from the day in our gallery!

David Edry