2021 Mount Hood Camp Session 2-Day 7


August 4, 2021

Session 2
Day 7
Slalom Camp

Today we woke up at 5 a.m. as usual (unless Brett woke you up at 4:30). The breakfast was amazing, as usual, and we arrived first in line at the lift, as usual. The snow and courses were amazing and the coaches’ amazing salt job kept it perfect all day. During our mid-morning snack break, a small plane flew a couple hundred feet above us on the mountain. Danny unfortunately took a small  tumble and had to go down early, but he is better than ever and energetically helping the writing of this blog. We got to train right next to the U.S. World Cup Slalom Team – some of us even got to ride the lift with World Cup athletes River Radamus and Luke Winters! Today’s training focus was on flushes and flush tactics featuring some high intensity courses by Edry. This afternoon was more relaxed than usual with a double rest hour and then some time to tune and play a lot of foursquare. We ended with a hamburger/hotdog dinner and a meeting. Now we will shower and pass out in bed!

With Love,
Jack, Maggie, and Danny

Check out the photos from the day in our gallery!

David Edry