2021 Mount Hood Camp Session 2-Day 1!


July 28, 2021

Day 1
Slalom Camp

We woke up at the ‘ungodly’ hour of 4:30a. To be blunt, it was not easy…at all. However, the delicious food provided by the Cascade Lodge made up for it. We loaded the lifts at the slightly more humane hour of 6:15, and we started our all-slalom day. When getting to the top of the Palmer Lift, we dropped off our bags and got right to skiing. After dividing into our groups, we started getting back into the skiing mindset and warmed up with some drills. There were four courses set, the picket fence brush course, the panel SL course, and two tight stubby lines. While running the courses, and the clouds cleared, the temperature increased from sweater weather, to sweating weather. We worked on stability and separation with constantly running the course with one ski. It was difficult. We ate lunch that we made with food provided by the Cascade Lodge, and then we downloaded the lift (for people who don’t know that means it means backwards lift.) then we left we had a quick rest hour. And then we did team building an no surprise the literal-Olympian (Coach Julia Ford) won everything. We ate dinner, had a team meeting and made Friendship bracelets with Krissy. Tonight, we have an 8:30pm lights out and then up again for slalom tomorrow!

Check out the days photos on the Photo Diary!

The End
Luke C. & Ean F.

Check out the photos from the day in our gallery!

David Edry